Answers to your questions about Hebamio
Get quick answers about features, pricing and support.
General information
Why does Hebamio exist?
Midwife Birgit Söllradl wanted to optimize her midwifery work and commissioned her husband, Gerhard, who happens to be a programmer, to create a software - and so everything took its course - more about this in About us.
Satisfied with Hebamio? -What happens after the 6-week test phase?
If you are satisfied with Hebamio and would like to continue using it, please sign the license agreement in your Hebamio.
You can find it under "Hebamio contracts" in the menu bar on the far right.
You will then receive the first annual license invoice from us.
Is everything included in the price?
Yes, digital documentation, invoicing, QM and administration are included in the price.
Extra charges apply for the card reading function and the video consultation.
What would the version after that cost?
Für Junghebammen haben wir zum erleichternden Berufseinstieg ein Sonderangebot – ebenfalls unter „Angebot“ ersichtlich.
Product features and use
Do I have to book additional products such as Hebamio Plus or video consultations?
Do you also offer training courses on the use of Hebamio?
For existing customers:
Ja. Wir bieten laufend verschiedene Module an Fortbildungen direkt zur Nutzung von Hebamio an.
Hole dir gleich nähere Informationen unter „Akademie“
For newcomers:
Für Neuinteressierte halten wir jeden zweiten Mittwoch ab 14 Uhr eine Präsentation über die tollen und hilfreichen Funktionen des Programmes ab.
Alle weiteren Infos findest du unter „Akademie“ -> „Hebamio Cafe“
Do you also offer lectures for midwifery schools?
Gerne halten wir einen Vortrag über „die digitale Hebamme“ in Verbindung mit Hebamio online in deinem Klassenzimmer ab.
We deal with topics such as
- the digital documentation (what do I have to consider),
- direct billing (how to bill services as a midwife),
- the course administration and
- the QM
in our presentation.
This presentation is non-binding and completely free of charge for you and your students.
The duration of the event would be approx. 2 hours via Zoom (we will be happy to provide the link).
You are welcome to contact us at support@hebamio.de to arrange an appointment.
Weitere Infos unter „Akademie“.
Is it possible to use the program on several devices?
Yes, the software can be used on several devices and even simultaneously.
Which browser should I use?
We recommend using the Google Chrome browser. All other browsers work too!
Only browsers older than 7-10 years such as Internet Explorer 8 are no longer fully supported. You will receive a warning when you log in.
Can I test the software beforehand?
Yes, you can test the software for 6 weeks in advance - free of charge! The data from the test phase can then of course be used further. The subscription is not concluded automatically, but only after you have given your consent.
With the trial version, you can test all the functions that are also included when you purchase the license.
Is electronic billing possible with this software?
Yes, you can create the invoices via Hebamio and settle them directly with the insurance company or forward them to the insurance companies via a forwarding partner.
With direct billing, you settle accounts with the insurance companies and clients yourself as usual.
Weitere Infos zur Abrechnung mit den Weiterleitungspartner findest du unter „Partner“.
Is the mileage allowance calculated automatically?
Yes, as long as the kilometers have been saved or entered during the visit. Some useful functions such as logbook and detailed tour plans are also included.
Can I also do the documentation on my cell phone?
Ja – rund 30% aller Kundinnen arbeiten nur mit dem Handy. Wir empfehlen dir allerdings ein Tablet, da durch die Fülle an Informationen am Handy die Übersicht leicht verloren geht. Hardwareempfehlung findest du unter „Angebot“ „Hardwareanforderungen“.
I have an Apple device, can I also use Hebamio on it?
Account management
Hebamio Login - How do I log in to my Hebamio?
As soon as you have registered for the test phase, you will receive an individual Hebamio link. This is usually made up of surname.hebamio.de or practicename.hebamio.de. All this information is included in the welcome email.
If you want to log in in the browser, enter your own link(surname.hebamio.de) in the search field!
Or much simpler:
You log in to your instance via login.hebamio.de.
What happens to my data if I cancel Hebamio?
If you give us your explicit permission, the documentation will remain stored on our servers. This service is free of charge.
Do I also have to pay license fees if I take a baby break?
Nein, dann wird die Software in den „Babypausenmodus“ geschaltet und du kannst somit deine Lizenzdauer pausieren. Allfälliges Guthaben kann nach der Babypause weiter verwendet werden.
What is the deadline for canceling the software?
Data and documentation
How important is the key for the login?
The key is very important as it is responsible for the individual encryption. Only you know your key and it cannot be reset. Please memorize it very well.